When Twitter was born, it was used almost exclusively to broadcast people's frivolous thoughts and opinions and updates from their date night or weekend plans. Gradually, however, businesses came to realize that a site with so many millions of followers could be used to promote their business and get the word out about their products and services. Thus business tweets were born. Read on to learn more about how you can used Twitter to help your business grow.
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Using Twitter as a business is easy, easier even than setting up a Facebook page for your business and much easier than making a website of your own. It's a free service, so all you have to do is sign up, make a profile that contains information about the business, and start writing tweets. Then users who are interested in what you have to say can "follow" you, which means that they are automatically sent your updates without them having to check your page.
There are millions of users on Twitter who post their own updates and "follow" others' pages. If you can get them interested in your service or product, you can have thousands of people read the messages you tweet. Some businesses may only have a few hundred followers but some of the bigger businesses have millions of subscribers. And unlike other forms of advertising, you can easily see who is reading your updates and get feedback from them about your posts.
The trick, of course, is getting them interested. The most popular types of Twitter feeds, the ones with the most followers, are not the ones that promote products or advertise services, but the ones that deal with people's personal lives. Therefore if you want to get people interested, you might consider posting about your life as a business owner or employee of the company and slipping your product news and information into your posts that way. Many thanks to, Worn Edges.
Twitter only allows you to post 140 characters at a time, which means it appeals most in a hurry and will not allow you to go on in detail about stuff no one wants to read. It will challenge you to be concise and force you to write in a way followers won't get bored with. If there's too much info for a tweet, you can always include a link to a product page or website that explains the rest.